Thursday, February 27, 2020

ATOD Personal Theoretical Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ATOD Personal Theoretical Paper - Essay Example As such, there is a need for prevention and treatment to avoid the condition to worsen and eventually, destroy certain parts of the body, such as the liver and kidney. Aside from its effects on a biological perspective, drug abuse also has a greater impact in the social and psychological aspects of the patient. And with this comes different perspectives interpreting the condition of drug abuse. The psychosocial aspect impacted by the condition has created several theories that allow the patient, the family and the society to understand the effects of such condition. Drug abuse is not something that affects the patient alone but it has a way of dragging the immediate circle of people that the patient is in contact with. It also extends to the people of the society since drug abuse has become a nationwide issue because of the number of cases that are reported. A recent popular approach to the study of drug abuse is the biopsychosocial approach. Compared to psychological approach, which sees drug abuse as a condition wherein the patient attaches itself to drug abuse to deal with personal needs and conflicts, the biological approach, which see drug abuse as a tendency of the body to crave for the dependency on the effects of the drugs abused, and social approach, which interprets drug abuse as something that is related to social conflicts and the need to belong, the biopsychosocial approach interprets drug abuse as a condition that combines and interrelates all three approaches. It does not deny or attempt to isolate the factors and the effects of drug abuse. It in fact seeks to understand how it creates a circular pattern that connects all three approaches. It is not a general approach to understanding drug abuse but is a specific approach that aims to see the different factors affecting all processes of the human mind and body. It may see m like a grand approach to understanding the condition and yes, it could be when interpreted wrongly. But

Thursday, February 20, 2020

African American history 1600-1877 Research Paper

African American history 1600-1877 - Research Paper Example The events that shaped African American history and converted the blacks from being slave to free people were forced transportation of black people for slave trade,American Revolution,the Great Awakening,the very famous war of 1812 and the civil war.Slave trade is the first incident that shows the deprivation of Black population of their basic human rights as blacks were transported to other lands for labour purposes Second in line is the event of Great Awakening, which helped people to recognize their existence according to their religion, as Great Awakening resulted in unity of Americans and Christianity faith. Third important event is the American Revolution that started in 1775 as clash between the Great Britain and the thirteen British colonies in America. During American Revolution, blacks wanted their rights and human treatment from Americans. British unwillingness to sign the commercial agreement, British support to Indians on American frontiers and failure of British army to withdraw from American territories were the causes of irritation for Americans due to which, the war of 1812 was there. Civil War is the last important event that helped the blacks in gaining freedom as at the end of civil war, formal identity was given to black people as Americans. AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY (1600-1877) African American history revolves around arrival of African American or black American ethnic groups in US. Migration of black people from Carrabin and transportation of slaves in 16th century changed the history of the region. Five very influential events took place from 1600 to 1877. The events that shaped African American history and converted the blacks from being slave to free people were forced transportation of black people for slave trade, American Revolution, the Great Awakening, the very famous war of 1812 and the civil war. Slave trade leads the other events in the African American history. In 1619, first slave was brought to Jamestown as a servant. This e vent opened the doors for bringing non-Christian black people as servants in the US. Number of slaves rose to 25000 in 1700 in American colonies1. Next in order was â€Å"Great Awakening†, known as watershed period in American life. Great Awakening swept the colonies by having greater social and religious effects on the people’s life. Period of 1730-1740 is known as revivalism period that spread throughout in American colonies2. Individual spiritual experiences got importance over the routine church proceedings. After the period of Great Awakening, the next mega event in African American history is American Revolution. It began in 1775 due to conflict between Great Britain and thirteen colonies. After the end of revolution in 1783, another mega event is the war of 1812. War was fought between America and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815 but peace treaty for ending the war was signed in 1814. Than the reconstruction period started in which black people were granted Ameri can citizenship with full rights. Mid eighteenth century saw a big shift in American policies towards black and black people also shifted to south for living the lives as per their own wishes3. The impact of all the events on African American history 1600-1877 shall be discussed in detail in this paper. Great emphasis shall be laid on the war of 1812, because of events taking place during this period. Spanish and Portuguese settlers brought Africans with them in the new world. About 2,75,000 Africans were brought to south and north America at the start of 16th century. First African slave was brought to Jamestown in1619. More Africans were then brought to those areas having good land for cultivation but labour was short. Many slaves used to die during transportation due to inadequate food and medical treatment. Earlier the differences in treating European and African slaves were almost negligible but soon they started differentiating whites from black people in 27th century. Virgini a

Monday, February 10, 2020

Quantitative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Quantitative Analysis - Essay Example Re designing the operations to increase capacity continuing the same number of aircraft can be considered as primary issue. This can increase efficiency and as a consequence reduces congestion in securing seats in piedmont airlines flights. 1 Re modeling and re deploying aircrafts to increase hub operations where there is demand. For example 25% of the passengers traveling in Piedmont flight from charlotte to Boston are paying for another airline to have a connecting flight. If the company is able to introduce the connecting flight it can decrease the loss of market and can save time and charges by issuing tickets from charlotte to the passenger's required destination in charlotte itself. A detailed structure and decision making process should be developed to decide the number of seats that must be allotted by offering discount and the number that can be allowed in full fare. The seats that are allowed on discount must be open to both stimulators and diverters and no diverter (the person paying full fare must not be dissatisfied due to the reason that a discount seat was allotted to a stimulator after he was rejected on the cause of non availability. By increasing the number of seats in each aircraft, that is by remodeli... The decision must be applied both aircraft interiors and mainline operations. The decisions that are to be taken can be as follows (in millions) 2005 2006 Incremental profit improvement initiatives $ 400 $800 Non Pilot pay and benefit savings $250 250 De hubbing of selected flight operations $55 $70 Continuous hub redesign $50 $150 Total non pilot operational improvements $755 $1270 The above table is adopted from following website: The firm can get benefits by converting banked flights to continuous ones. The other benefits the firm can consider were the concessions from aircraft leassors, creditors and vendors. It can be suggested to introduce more simplified fare structure all over the country and if possible for the flights operating overseas. These simplified fares must be able to meet the needs of all types of customers. They must simplify the way of doing business and must result in cost effectiveness. The implementation of fare cap also can be suggested along with the limitation in allotting the number of seats to H category (the discount category). It should be taken care that the introduction of simpli fares should not affect the revenue inputs negatively. So the implementation must in a step by step process. First the traffic must be stimulated and then the fare structure must be revised. But the both things must be planned with coordination by announcing the decision of fare simplification before the firm starts the stimulating the traffic. The announcement of the simplified fare structure must help in stimulating traffic. Analysis of Industry and company: The deregulation caused the number of

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Comparative criminal justice systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comparative criminal justice systems - Essay Example This has inspired innovation but it has also led people to try illegal ways of getting money. The gaige kaifang (literally means opening up and reforms) policy has also invited new types of crime to the Chinese society from other places including the west. Advancement in the legal system in China was backtracked by several factors including the cold war, world war two, and the disruptive political campaigns that followed after that. Real reform began in 1970 when legal institutions began to be formed (Gelatt, 2001). The renmin jiancha yua (procuratorate) is the agency that prosecutes criminal offences. The agency has evolved over the years from the one the emperors used to the present day system. For instance, the imperial secretary position has evolved into the present day public prosecutor. The procuratorate is part and parcel of the government and it is mandated by the National People’s Congress. Unlike in the United States where there are various legislations that are created by the different states to meet their unique legal requirements, China’s system has only one code that is applied across the board (Gelatt,